2 research outputs found

    Securing Embedded Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    This project focuses on securing embedded systems for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Over the past two decades UAVs have evolved from a primarily military tool into one that is used in many commercial and civil applications. As the market for these products increases the need to protect transmitted data becomes more important. UAVs are flying missions that contain crucial data and without the right protection they can be vulnerable to malicious attacks. This project focuses on building a UAV platform and working to protect the data transmitted on it. The platform was able to detect red color and wirelessly transmit the coordinates of the color to a remote laptop. Areas that were focused on for security included the image processing and wireless communications modules

    Interactive Venice: Using Art and Games to Bring Awareness to Venetian Social Concerns

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    This project explores three approaches to raising awareness about the social concerns in Venice through fun and interactivity. The first approach, entitled Interacting, consists of hardware installations designed to stimulate the senses of a user. The second approach, called Exploring, consists of a geocaching route, an outdoor treasure hunting game. The third approach, entitled Contributing, is a mobile application which allows users to tag and locate Venetian social concerns. These three approaches are woven together by an art exhibit that acts as a central terminal to display all of the individual elements. The exhibit uses multiple types of interaction and media in order to share knowledge of social problems in Venice, as a foundation to be featured in a major art exhibition